Tuesday 22 January 2013

Photo- taking for Smart Card 2013

Dear all,
This Friday, 25 January 2013, there will be photo taking session for your Secondary School.
Please ensure your hair is neat and tidy.
Those wearing spectacels, you are to remove your spectacles during the photo taking.
Our schedule time is at 11am.  Line up according to register numbers.

Mrs Mak

Saturday 19 January 2013

Exercise in TB

Dear all,
Please work out the sums in TB pg 147 and 154. We will go thru the answers on Monday.

Remember to complete all the Homework given to you by all your teachers.
Have a restful and fruitful weekend.

Mrs Mak

Thursday 17 January 2013


Dear all,
Please put in effort to complete your Review 1 Pg 65 - 70.

Your reward comes when you put in the effort. With effort, you will see improvement:))

Mrs Mak

Tuesday 15 January 2013


Dear all,
Please complete WB Pg 57 - 60 and Percentage WS Pg 121 - 122 (Q3)

Work out the questions in TB Pg 142 - 143, 146.

Mrs Mak

Friday 11 January 2013

Art - Chinese Brush Painting

Dear all, Please view the video to do self-directed learning for your art.
This is a second video.

Maths TB Do Pg 139 in your TB. Regards, Mrs Mak

Wednesday 9 January 2013

Homework - TB

Dear all,
Please do the questions in TB Pg 139 Q31 - Q40.

Try out this Question again.

Ariffin had a total of 40 goats and cows in his farm. After selling 29 of them, the ratio of the number of goats sold to the number of goats left was 4 : 1. If the ratio of the number of cows sold to the number of cows left was 3 : 2, what was the ratio of the number of goats left to the number of cows left?

Mrs Mak

Tuesday 8 January 2013

Answers for TB exercises

Dear all,
Please mark your answer in the TB.

Pg 116

4a.  5 : 1 : 6             4b.  5/6              4c.  1/6                4d. Sam $1050    Peter $5250

5a.  4 : 10 : 3               5b.  100 pupils                     5c.  28 pupils

6.   576 square cm

7.  5471.4 cm

Pg 123

1a.  9 : 2               1b.  60 g          1c.  Flour - 450g,    Sugar - 100g

2a.  8 : 3               2b.  9 teaspoons                 2c.  64 oranges

3a.  248.4 ml    3b.  0.84 litres

Secret recipe

Please work out Qns 2 and we will check the answers tomorrow.

Mrs Mak

Monday 7 January 2013

What is for homework?

Dear all,

Homework to be done:

1.  Maths WB Corrections
2. Maths WS Q11- Q13
3. Maths WB Pg 111- Pg 112
4. Maths TB Pg 116 , 123


Mrs Mak

Saturday 5 January 2013

Admin Matters

Dear all,
On Monday, remember to bring

1. your thermometer

2.  $2.80 for your diary

3. secret recipe and Maths exercise books for those who have not done so.

Mrs Mak

Thursday 3 January 2013

Maths TB Pg 108

Dear all,

I need you to work out the questions in TB Pg 108 Q4 and Q6, Pg 115 Q1, Q2, Q3. Do the questions in your TB.

We will go through the answers tomorrow.

Mrs Mak


Wednesday 2 January 2013

Welcome Back

Dear all,
Welcome back to school. Hope you have had a good break.

Admin matters
- Bring your working thermometer everyday
- Your Good manners and attitude are important to make progress for yourself
- Check your blog everyday if possible

Something to ponder
1. Know your strength and weaknesses
2. Plan and COMMIT what you want to do.

Mrs Mak